Spiritual Emphasis Week 2022

Spiritual Emphasis Week 2022


Last January 24 to 28, Hope Christian High School’s Spiritual Formation Department spearheaded its very own Spiritual Emphasis Week. The theme of the week was dedicated to helping remind students and assure them of God’s faithfulness. 

Spiritual Emphasis Week is a program of HCHS in order to truly impart into the students the understanding that in everything, God is present. It was held during the students’ personal wellness class period and after the program, they were instructed to prepare reflection papers regarding their experiences. 

Along with sing-a-longs to worship songs, students were also treated to a very important and timely message that when God makes promises to us, He is always faithful and He will always fulfill them. 

Feel free to watch these messages of God’s faithfulness at home. May it touch your heart and serve as a timely reminder of God’s goodness.